
Erkılıç, G. (2024) Mapping Otherwise: Decolonization of Mapping in the Digital Humanities and Pedagogies of Mapping as a Caring Practice


Erkılıç, G. (2024) Coastline Atlas: Mapping for Environmental Spatial Justice at the Water’s Edge in Istanbul

“Criticality, Justice, Power, and Futuring – Spatial Justice in Design Research: A Transdisciplinary Discourse”, Design Research Society Conference, 2024.


Erkılıç, G. (2021) This is not a line: a Critical Cartography on Istanbul’s Ecotone

29,9km video program curated by Birbuçuk Ecology Collective, Istanbul Unbound Conference.


Maps of the End Times / Ahir Zamanın Haritaları

“A Halo Of Blackness Upon Our Heads” exhibition book of Ahmet Doğu İpek, published in Eng/Tr, curated by Selen Ansen, Süreyya Evren eds.  Arter Publishers, Istanbul.


Map of Emotions / Duyguların Haritası

Manifold Press, January 2022.


Maps by Women / Kadınların Haritaları

Manifold Press, November 2021.


Whirlpool /Anafor

Manifold Press, July 2021.


Map Error / Harita Hatası

Manifold Press, January 2022.


Constructing the World: Atlantropa / Atlantropa ve Dünyanın inşası

Manifold Press, March 2021.


Dark Side of the Planet Coastline / Kıyı Çizgilerinin Karanlık Gezegeni

Manifold Press, January 2021.