Architectural Design & Research Pedagogies
Coastliners Lab is the pedagogic exploration of the coastlines in architecture, urban design, and mapping.
Teaching Portfolio and Student Works:
Design studios and graduate courses instructed by Gökçen Erkılıç:
Middle East Technical University ARCH512 Advanced Studies on Urban Architecture – “Coastliners Lab: Assembling Ecologies of Space” Spring 2020
Middle East Technical University ARCH 401 Architectural and Urban Design Studio with Prof. Dr. Cana Bilsel – “Eco-City Ankara Scenarios for Ecological Regeneration Around the Waterscape.” Fall 2021.
Istanbul Bilgi University ARCH 502 Advanced Urban Design Studio with Prof. Mehmet Kutukcuoglu “Istanbul Waterfront: Climate change, New ecologies, Future Projections.” Fall 2016-17.